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New Way To Prevent Cavities?

According to new research presented by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, there may be a new way to prevent cavities. The mechanism of the cavity formation is often as follows: Bacteria such as Stretococcus Mutans (S. mutans) breaks down sugars in the mouth to form an acidic biofilm that can demineralize the surface of teeth. This mechanism can lead to the formation of cavities. New research has hypothesized a new strategy for preventing cavities and tooth decay via the following chain. Research suggests that phenolic extracts from wine grapes can inhibit the bacteria's ability to form these biofilms, thus leading to a potential new stategy for preventing tooth decay and cavities. More research is forthcoming, however, this data is encouraging to the health community at large in the fight against dental caries. Stay tuned for more information on this timely topic!

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